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OPLIN 4cast #13

Posted in LibraryThing, podcasting, social network websites, tagging, and techies

Last updated on July 21, 2006

This week’s 4cast:

1. Podcasting (Part One): The Basics

Podcasts are audio programs created by individuals or organizations for distribution over the Internet. Not unlike blogs, listeners can subscribe to different podcasts via RSS feed, or download them to enjoy at their leisure. As their popularity increases, more and more libraries are creating their own podcasts to highlight library news, events, services, and more.

Next week’s 4cast will delve a little deeper into podcasting, including legal issues with podcasting and how anyone can find great podcasts beyond the library world.

2. LibraryThing: Where Bibliophiles File Their Biblios

LibraryThing is a site that allows users to catalog their books in a collective online database. From there, they can find out what other people have on their shelves, and connect with like-minded readers. There are also some slick tools for finding out what’s popular and what’s not.

3. Tag. That’s It?

LibraryThing, like many of the other emerging social networking sites, uses tagging as the main method for organizing its content. Has traditional bibliographic methodology (lookin’ at you, subject headings) reached an evolutionary dead end?

4. No Techies? Lots of Problems

Everything’s great when you have a reliable person to handle all of your dirty technology-related chores. But what happens when a library just doesn’t have any techies at their disposal? Luckily, there are a handful of websites that can help “technically depressed” libraries with free advice and useful information.
