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OPLIN 4cast #14

Posted in Google, KnowItNow, library school, podcasting, Qunu, Yahoo!, and YouTube

Last updated on August 7, 2006

This week’s 4cast:

1. Podcasting (Part Two): The Pods are Multiplying

Last week’s 4cast covered some of the basics of podcasting. But what do they actually sound like? Even though the medium is still in its infancy, podcast directories and search engines are already helping users find new faves.

Next week’s 4cast will point to examples of podcasts emanating from the library world, and round up some how-to guides for creating a great-sounding podcast of your own from scratch.

2. Answers Not @ Your Library

KnowItNow has competition when it comes to online reference services. Qunu is a new service that allows anyone to search for an expert on primarily tech-related topics, and then connects the two parties for a live support session through Instant Messaging. Meanwhile, other community-driven Q-and-A services, such as Yahoo! Answers and Google Answers, are increasing in popularity.

3. Nothing on the YouTube?

What’s regularly playing on the public computers at your library? Probably YouTube. Despite its enormous popularity, some observers wonder if the service is doomed to collapse under the weight of two issues: copyright infringement and bandwidth costs.

4. Taking Library School to School

Tech-saavy librarians are beginning to question whether library schools are teaching the types of skills that are increasingly necessary to do Library 2.0 jobs.
