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OPLIN 4cast #40

Posted in DRM, eBooks, Google, Google Reader, MyYahoo, Netflix, Netvibes, One Minute Critic, and techies

This week’s 4cast:

1. Are Libraries Part of the DRM Problem?

A blogger at Wired recently wrote a post complaining about OverDrive audiobooks, which can be checked out from the public library for free, but also come with Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology that prevents the borrower from making their own copies. The post set off a long chain of comments debating the appropriateness of DRM in this context, and numerous responses from the library world.

2. Respect the Techies

Is there tension between your library’s IT department and everyone else in the building? Karen Schneider recently wrote an article on how non-techie library staff can work collaboratively and cooperatively with their techies.

3. Google to Librarians: Not the Other Way Around?

Google’s librarian outreach team recently debuted the Librarian Central Blog, which grew out of their quarterly Librarian Newsletter. Reaction from the library community was initially critical because Google did not allow comments on the blog. Comments have since been enabled (an exception to the rule of most Google-run blogs), but that hasn’t eased skepticism about Google’s attitude towards libraries.

4. BookSwim Dives Into the Netflix Pool

There has been a lot of discussion in the past year about libraries adopting a Netflix-type delivery model for books. While libraries continue to talk about dipping their toes in the water, a new service called BookSwim is taking the plunge.
