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OPLIN 4cast Podcast #14: Computer Security

Posted in 4pod, Bloglines, Nancy Pearl, NORWELD, and Pixlr

Last week saw the release of Windows Vista, the new operating system that contains Microsoft’s most comprehensive collection of desktop-security features. Vista contains features that only allow certain people to install software and hardware on a computer, and it comes bundled with e-mail and web browser software designed to protect you from fraud, scams, spyware and identity theft.

Many of these same security concerns will be discussed at this week’s RSA Conference in San Francisco, the world’s largest information security industry convention. But beyond consumer protections like the Vista security features, conference attendees will also hear about larger issues, such as wireless security, enterprise protection, and government security policy.

Coincidentally, the Ohio Office of Information Technology has released several new policies dealing with computer security in Ohio government agencies. While these policies do not affect libraries – which is good, because some of them would practically make it impossible to offer public computing in libraries – there are some aspects of these policies that should be of interest to public libraries. We’ll take a closer look at three areas where the security practices of libraries and government agencies might intersect: namely intrusion detection and prevention, password management, and general security awareness.
