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OPLIN 4cast #41

Posted in digital movie downloads, digitization, eBooks, Library vs. Internet, Netflix, RA, Second Life, tagging, Touchscreens, and Valve

Last updated on April 11, 2007

This week’s 4cast:

1. Check the Tags

According to a recent report by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, more and more Internet users are using tags to describe online content, and in general, tagging is becoming increasingly integral to the organization of the Web.

2. One Librarian Laments, Others Wonder Why

A librarian recently wrote a piece for the Washington Post about how difficult it is to convince younger readers to read actual books, and fears that the library world’s increasing focus on electronic resources and information literacy is partially to blame.

3. Google’s Library Keeps Getting Bigger

Prominent libraries continue to open their collections to the Google Book Search Library Project, but not without controversy and opposition from other libraries, authors, publishers, and of course, the lawyers. Many people are wondering if Google is gearing up to jump into the e-book market.

4. The Big Screen Keeps Getting Smaller

Netflix, Blockbuster, and now Wal-Mart are all scrambling to dominate the burgeoning digital movie downloads industry. Some libraries are taking tentative steps in this area with products like MyLibraryTV.
