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OPLIN 4cast #42

Posted in about:books, DOPA, DRM, mashups, NORWELD, Pixlr, Trends, and Twitter

Last updated on April 24, 2007

This week’s 4cast:

1. The Vista War’s a-Raging

Is your library thinking of upgrading its machines to Windows Vista? The battle over whether the new operating system is worth the upgrade is still raging, with opponents questioning everything about it, especially its enhanced security features and built-in DRM technology.

2. Is Apple a Devil in Disguise?

Speaking of DRM, Apple CEO Steve Jobs made a big impression last week when he wrote an essay that claimed Apple was fundamentally opposed to the DRM technology it disseminates through its iTunes music store. Who’s to blame? According to Jobs, it’s the music companies – but not everyone is buying that claim.

3. The Spawn of DOPA

Remember DOPA? Just when everyone thought it was dead and gone at the end of 2006, it’s apparently making a comeback – this time around, it’s called the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act.

4. Yahoo! Lays Down Some Pipes

Yahoo! recently unveiled a new service called Pipes. Pipes allows users to take bits and pieces of web feeds that they like and combine them into a brand new feed with more focused content.
