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OPLIN 4cast #44

Posted in Boxee, Google Shared Storage, Internet, Library of Congress, LibraryThing, Lipsum, productivity, Sitemap Generator, and tagging

This week’s 4cast:

1. Some Things About LibraryThing

LibraryThing, the popular social network site built around people and their book collections, recently concluded that their users are tagging books at a rate 10 times greater than on Amazon. LT continues to add nifty tools (like UnSuggester, which recommends books to you based on ones you dislike) and is sort of becoming THE online destination for book lovers.

2. Google Gets All Up in Microsoft’s Face

Last week, Google officially stepped into the business productivity software arena with the introduction of Google Apps Premier Edition. The new package includes everything from e-mail and calendar software to basic document and spreadsheet capabilities, all housed online instead of on local machines, and at a significantly cheaper cost. Should libraries make the switch?

3. Does the Information Superhighway Need More Lanes?

Although half of all households in the United States will have high-speed Internet service by the end of 2007, this rate is still lower than a lot of other countries. Some observers are beginning to worry that the increasing popularity of bandwidth-intensive websites and online activities could create an Internet capacity crisis in the near future.

4. Opening Up the Library of Congress

Following in the footsteps of WPopac, Simon Spero has methodically queried almost all of the Library of Congress authority records, assembled them in MarcXML, and made them freely available. This is big news for library catalogers and others who want to make library data more accessible.
