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OPLIN 4cast #45

Posted in about:books, Apple, DRM, Library 2.0, mashups, and social network websites

This week’s 4cast:

1. Get On Out There & Socialize

Five Weeks to a Social Library describes itself as “the first free, grassroots, completely online course devoted to teaching librarians about social software and how to use it in their libraries.” They’re currently in week four, but Meredith Farkas (the Chairperson) has been keeping track of the highlights on her blog, Information Wants To Be Free. Meanwhile, Robert Doyle (Illinois Library Association) recently gave an interview discussing the negative atmosphere surrounding social networks, especially in the eyes of some legislators.

2. DRM’s Going Down, Dude

The anti-DRM wardrums are beating louder and louder in many different circles, but are consumers, music executives, and hardware manufacturers really listening? Do they even care?

3. Open (for Business) Source?

As the open source movement continues to make inroads both inside and outside the library community, it’s inevitable that some companies are trying to find a way to squeeze a profit out of all the warm fuzzies.

4. Of Pipes & Mashups

Since its unveiling several weeks ago, Yahoo! Pipes has a lot of techies drooling and talking about mashups.
