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OPLIN 4cast #547: Practical privacy

Posted in 4cast, and privacy

It might be getting more difficult to care about online privacy, especially now, when it may seem as if everyone is putting everything online. At times, it can sometimes feel as if there’s no point to getting worked up about it: after all, what do we have to hide, right? Yet, mechanical engineer Fábio Esteves makes a compelling case for caring about one’s privacy online, even if no shady activity might be taking place. Even innocuous information, exposed, can cause a great number of problems down the line. If your library is teaching tech classes to patrons, some of the information here today may be of great value to them…and to you.

  • How to set up two-factor authentication on all your online accounts [The Verge] :While 2FA doesn’t totally cloak you from potential hackers, it is an important step in preventing your account from being accessed by unauthorized users. Here’s how to enable 2FA on your accounts across the web.”
  • How to browse the web and leave no trace  [Gizmodo] “On today’s web it’s hard to set a (digital) foot online without it attracting dozens of trackers and log entries, as companies look to learn everything about you and sell that data on to advertisers.”
  • How to spot and remove stalkerware [Gizmodo] “Now these tools are more readily available and more sophisticated than ever before. Which means it isn’t just hackers who can use them to chronicle your online life.”
  • Keep Your Personal Data Out of Google Search [Lifehacker] “Some searches are already influenced based on users’ search history. Google’s instant results search data is ‘based on what other people are searching for and the content of web pages indexed by Google.'”

From the Ohio Web Library:
