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OPLIN 4Cast #155: Posterous

Posted in Posterous

posterous_logo1Microblogging sites have been around for a couple of years, and perhaps you already have your favorite.  A couple of months ago, Posterous became available and it seems to be getting pretty good reviews.

By simply e-mailing Posterous your update, it will create a blog for you (if you are new to the service) or will add to your existing Posterous blog.   In addition, it will update your social media sites.  Advanced users can also use their own domain names and blog themes.

And of course, there’s an app for that: PicPosterous.

We created an account then sent a test picture.  We confirmed the desire to use the service (Posterous sends an e-mail with a link to click on) but then didn’t see the update on Facebook.  After digging for a while, we looked under “photos” (on the left hand side of the Facebook screen) and sure enough, it was there!  If we had simply sent text, it would have appeared as my status update.  (Remember back in the day when Facebook posted everything to your status update?  Wait…that’s a whole other topic!)

This could be a handy way to post simultaneously to many sites.  It will be even nicer if this catches on and you can follow people from their Posterous accounts instead of Facebook AND Twitter AND LinkedIn AND Flickr AND….

Cool fact from this 4Cast:
Posterous supports the following social media sites:
facebook Facebook
twitter Twitter
flickr Flickr
tumblr Tumblr
blogger Blogger
wordpress WordPress
typepad Typepad
movable type Movable Type
livejournal Livejournal
xanga Xanga
