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OPLIN 4Cast #156: URL shorteners

Posted in 4cast

Every character counts these days, so a little help from a link shortening service is a must.  But are there other benefits to using a link shortener?

short copy
— Add your link anywhere – even in tiny spaces. In a pocket, on a business card, even a napkin!

— Because shortened links are really redirects, the link will never expire.

— If the link is easy to remember, it will be easy to use.

Archiving these short URLs is another matter.  How long do they last?  Who is responsible for their upkeep?

Cool fact from the 4Cast:
From Search Engine Land Blog: “A URL shortening service does a ‘301 redirect’ to the full URL. That number stands for the code a web server issues to a browser (or search engine) when a URL is requested.

A 301 redirect says that the URL requested (the short URL) has ‘permanently’ moved to the long address. Since it’s a permanent redirect, search engines finding links to the short URLs will credit all those links to the long URL.”
