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OPLIN 4cast #5

Posted in 4cast, Firefox, LibX, RSS, wiki, and wireless

This week’s 4cast:

1. A Good Excuse to Try RSS

We’ve received a number of questions about how to read the OPLIN 4cast via an RSS feed. Here’s the easiest way:

  1. Choose one of the RSS reader buttons listed in the right-hand column, under “Subscribe.”
  2. If you already have an account with one of the listed readers, the button will automatically add the OPLIN 4cast to your list of feeds. If you don’t, you’ll be asked to create an account first (generally speaking, this is a fast and painless process).

Here’s another way:

  1. Choose an RSS reader (the most popular one is Bloglines).
  2. Look for a “Subscribe to URL” link or box.
  3. Enter the OPLIN 4cast‘s URL:
  4. Hit “Subscribe.”

It’s that easy. And once you’re set up with a particular reader, it’s just as easy to subscribe to other RSS feeds and completely streamline the time you spend online. Think of it as building your own magazine out of the content you like from other magazines. And not to scare you… but once you start, you won’t want to stop.

2. Starring Haley Joel Osment & Your IT Staff

The Allen County Public Library recently started the Pay “IT” Forward wiki website, which allows libraries to easily tap the expertise of library IT professionals with specific technical know-how. Library IT pros are encouraged to add their name and area(s) of technical prowess, so that libraries in need of advice in those areas can contact them.

3. LibX Marks the Spot

LibX is an open source Firefox extension originally created for Virginia Tech, but now available to other interested libraries. It works by adding a nifty toolbar and search box to a user’s Firefox browser, allowing them easy, direct access to their library’s catalog. If you send your configuration information and logos to the creators, they’ll send you back a working version you can offer to your library’s patrons.

4. 802.11n Wi-Fi a No-Go?

The next generation of wireless networking gear, designed to be much faster and more reliable, is already hitting the shelves. However, the specification that this crop of equipment is built to support – called 802.11n – has yet to be officially finalized and ratified by the major players in the market. Will it eventually become the standard, or is 802.11n a dead end?
