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OPLIN 4cast #6

Posted in communication, DOPA, OpenDocument, social network websites, and Yahoo!

This week’s 4cast:

1. The Debate Over Social Networking Sites (Demented & Sad, But Social)

MySpace, Facebook, and Flickr are three examples of social networking websites that are both hugely popular and increasingly controversial. While libraries debate their role in the use of such sites, Congress is debating whether these sites should be used in libraries at all.

2. Open Up & Save Document

Given the ever-shifting fortunes of the computer industry, do you ever worry that your library’s important Word or PDF documents might become unreadable sometime down the road? The OpenDocument format (ODF) is an open-source alternative that allows users to create and save a wide variety of document types, minus the proprietary software.

3. Touting Technology Both Up & Down Your Library’s Ladder

Meredith Farkas and Dorothea Salo recently contributed two useful posts to the TechEssence.Info website, offering advice on how to convince your library’s technophobic staff to embrace important, new technologies.

4. Speaking the Same Language

And speaking of the technophobic, David Lee King (IT Director at the Kansas City Public Library) has compiled a list of links to tips on talking about technology, without the ones and zeros. Yahoo! is building an entire website for consumers around this concept.
