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OPLIN 4Cast #613: Online shopping tech is evolving in a big way

Posted in 4cast, and Shopping

These days, it’s likely that no one would call online shopping a fad. It’s a regular part of modern living for most Americans. As a result, ecommerce has gotten significantly more competitive, bringing new trends to consumers. These include technologies such as augmented reality, chatbots, voice shopping and more. Entrepreneur says that 2019 will be a revolutionary year for online shopping. Here’s just a small preview of what’s coming our way.

  • Voice Shopping Is Revolutionizing E-Commerce [Twice] “Purchases made through voice assistants will continue to escalate sharply, projected to reach a striking $40 billion in sales by 2022.”
  • Augmented reality start-up looks to recreate the shopping trip [Financial Times] ”
    One area with particular promise is retail, experts say. Here, technology can allow a person to effectively try an outfit on their digital self, or see what furniture might look like in a room, before they buy it.”
  • Amazon’s cashier-free stores are coming to New York [CNN] “Shoppers need to open the Amazon Go app to enter, and any products they take are automatically charged to their account when they leave. The technology in stores automatically detects when customers take or return products to shelves and keeps track of items in a virtual shopping cart.”
  • Amazon Scout gamifies shopping recommendations [Retail Dive] “Amazon has launched a new personalized shopping recommendation service called Scout, which filters recommendations for shoppers based on items they “like” or “dislike” by clicking on a thumbs-up or thumbs-down icon on product tiles, according to a page on the company’s website.”

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