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OPLIN 4Cast #612: Salvation for artists, or the end of the internet?

Posted in 4cast, and copyright

Last spring, the European Union passed the General Data Protection Regulation, sending ripples through the Internet as every business — from cottage to multinational — that collects data online from customers in Europe scrambled to meet compliance. The EU is preparing to send more seismic ripples through the internet landscape as the European Parliament has approved a controversial Copyright Directive, a set of positions regarding copyright rules which purportedly will protect freedom of expression while ensuring fair pay for artists and journalists. There are high profile voices on both sides. Authors, musicians, and others object to the disregard of their rights, as their work is shared freely on social platforms (admit it: you’ve listened to a song someone uploaded without copyright clearance to YouTube). Tech leaders, including the web’s inventor Tim Berners-Lee, warn that the measures will transform the internet from “an open platform for sharing and innovation, into a tool for the automated surveillance and control of its users.”

The Copyright Directive will have a final vote in January 2019. If it passes (which is likely), EU member states will have two years to implement the new rules.

From the Ohio Web Library:
