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OPLIN 4Cast #592: The sudden scramble for online privacy

Posted in 4cast, and privacy

Have you noticed your inbox filling up with notices about updated terms of service? Many of these are coming about not only in the wake of renewed public scrutiny after the Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal, but also in advance of a looming deadline in the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, which was passed two years ago and becomes enforceable on May 25. Obviously, EU rules do not govern us here in Ohio, but in his testimony before Congress, Mark Zuckerberg hinted that some of European data protections will be extended worldwide. Except when they won’t.

  • A flaw-by-flaw guide to Facebook’s new GDPR privacy changes
    “Just click accept, ignore those settings” [TechCrunch | Josh Constine] “Overall, it seems like Facebook is complying with the letter of GDPR law, but with questionable spirit.”
  • Facebook to put 1.5 billion users out of reach of new EU privacy law [Reuters | David Ingram] “In practice, the change means the 1.5 billion affected users will not be able to file complaints with Ireland’s Data Protection Commissioner or in Irish courts. Instead they will be governed by more lenient U.S. privacy laws.”
  • Oculus implements its own GDPR-compliant privacy controls [TechCrunch | Ron Amadeo] “On the user privacy front, few things have made Oculus users more antsy than the belief that the company was using the rich data it gathered, including data related to how users physically moved their bodes while inside VR, to help Facebook target advertisements to users.”
  • The ‘Terms and Conditions’ Reckoning Is Coming [Bloomberg Businessweek | Nate Lanxon] “If a typical user wouldn’t understand the documents, the consent that companies rely on for their business activities would be legally invalid.”

From the Ohio Web Library:
