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OPLIN 4Cast #631: (Un)Happy National Privacy Day

Posted in 4cast, and privacy

Just two days ago, on January 28th, the U.S. recognized the 22nd annual occurrence of National Privacy Day. Didn’t even know there was such a thing? You’re not alone, but the past year has brought a barrage of breaches, leaks and hacks, insuring that almost everyone has experienced at least a lack of privacy and/or an uneasy feeling that privacy might be currently impossible.

  • 11 Expert Takes On Data Privacy Day 2019 You Need To Read [Forbes] “Rather than just being a day where awareness of data protection issues can be raised, Truran insists that January 28 needs to evolve into a day when businesses are held accountable for their data protection practices. “
  • National Privacy Day: Time to Consider a National Data Privacy Law [Security Boulevard] “Last year might have been so bad that Joseph Carson, chief security scientist at Thycotic, thinks National Privacy Day should be known as ‘Data Privacy Remembrance Day.’ That’s because privacy as we know it now may be reaching an end. “
  • Has the fight over privacy changed at all in 2019? [TechCrunch] “The fundamental model sustaining the Internet is based upon the exchange of user data for free service. As long as advertising dollars drive the growth of the Internet, regulation simply will tinker around the edges, setting sideboards to dictate the terms of the exchange. “
  • Who Should Govern Your Data? Inside the Privacy Debate in Davos [Fortune] ” Instead, Beckstrom proposed adding a privacy-specific amendment to the U.S. Constitution, one separate from the Fourth Amendment’s guard against warrantless searches and seizures. A provocative, if quixotic, idea. “

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