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OPLIN 4Cast #668: Cyberattacks are escalating, but so is cybersecurity vigilance

Posted in 4cast, and Security

Last week, the bill creating Ohio’s Cyber Reserve passed the legislature and headed to Governor DeWine for his signature. The Cyber Reserve will consist of cybersecurity professionals serving in a volunteer force to respond to cyber attacks against state and local governments, and will work locally to help educate businesses and citizens and secure them from attacks. Just in time for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Check out these stories and resources for NCSAM, and consider ways that your library can help raise awareness in your community.

  • National Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2019 [National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies] “The NCSAM 2019 Toolkit is a comprehensive guide to make it easy for you and your organization, regardless of size or industry, to engage and promote NCSAM. Use the guide and the resources below to help you engage your stakeholders and promote positive, lasting cybersecurity habits.”
  • Get Involved in National Cybersecurity Awareness Month [Stay Safe Online] “Whether you have a minute, an hour or a day – or all month long – check out ways you can participate and support NCSAM on social media, at home, at work or school and in the community.”
  • Think Safety When Using Social Media [Forbes] “The theme of NCSAM this year is to ‘Own IT. Secure IT. Protect IT,’ and part of that is to make sure that we update the privacy settings on social media. All too often these settings on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have a default that favors the social media companies rather than the users.”
  • Can the Girl Scouts Save the Moon from Cyberattack? [Dark Reading] “On October 19, approximately 3,000 Girl Scouts across the country, grades 6 to 12, will participate in the first-ever Girl Scouts National Cyber Challenge.”

From the Ohio Web Library:
