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OPLIN 4cast #53

Posted in backlinks, desktop applications, DRM, eBooks, Library 2.0, productivity, Security, Sitemap Generator, Songza, techies, Tweetmeme, Valve, Web 2.0, and Wikipedia

This week’s 4cast:

1. Frustration 2.0

Now that this year’s Computers In Libraries conference is over, some attendees may find that the exciting Library 2.0 ideas they enthusiastically embraced in Virginia are being met by Barriers 2.0 at home.

2. Wherefore Art Thou, eBooks?

So this eBook thing isn’t exactly catching fire, and there seem to be a lot of reasons why.

3. Could I Interest You Folks in Some Web-Based Apps?

As web-based applications (like Google’s everexpanding suite) become more powerful and feature-rich, will companies and organizations abandon their traditional desktop applications and conduct all of their business online?

4. Bad Wikipedia! Stop Being So Useful!

The latest report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project finds that 36% of American adults who use the Internet also consult Wikipedia. It’s also listed as the top “educational and reference website” with 24% of total usage.
