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OPLIN 4cast #54

Posted in Digg, digitization, DMCA, DRM, tagging, usage statistics, Valve, and Web 2.0

Last updated on June 19, 2007

This week’s 4cast:

1. Oh Dewey, You Old Coot

In his new book, Everything Is Miscellaneous, David Weinberger argues that the Internet and the onset of inherently chaotic organizational models (like tagging), are destroying traditional, structured, straightforward methodologies of describing things (i.e. traditional librarianship).

2. There’s Still Time To Be Ahead of the Pack

The latest report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project (PDF) report focuses on Internet usage among American adults, and finds that as the geeks obsess over Web 2.0, most of us still haven’t mastered Web 1.0.

3. Introducing the 21st Century Mob

Last week, an anonymous hacker, who was having trouble playing a lawfully purchased HD-DVD movie, managed to crack the hidden, 16-digit “key” that unlocks the DRM technology built into all HD-DVDs. When this number was posted on various websites, the group owning that technology (AACS) sent letters threatening to sue any site relaying the number. Outraged netizens responded by taking over the popular community-driven news website Digg, publishing the secret code anywhere they could, and provoking the legal wrath of the AACS.

4. Do Dusty Bytes Just Disappear?

When a book goes out of print, an old copy (or three) is probably preserved somewhere in a library. But what happens when a blogger stops writing? Or an article only available online disappears? Librarians and archivists are worried about a potential “digital dark age.”
