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OPLIN 4Cast #680: COPPA cabana: will YouTube do better?

Posted in COPPA

As a librarian, I first became aware of COPPA—the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act—when installing ebook kiosks in middle school libraries. The kiosks would send users (email or text) links to titles they discovered. Suddenly red flags went up: it’s a bad idea to collect kids’ phone numbers without their parents knowing about it. (We moved the kiosks to the high schools and community colleges.)

Last fall, Google was fined $170 million for flagrant violations of COPPA on YouTube, where cookies were tracking kids’ activity and using that information to serve up targeted advertising. Google could afford to shrug off the fine, but the real point was a promise to do better, and this week, those better policies went into effect.

From the Ohio Web Library:
