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OPLIN 4Cast #683: Anyone, anywhere can be hacked

Posted in Security

A year ago, the National Enquirer published an exposé of an affair between Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez. At the time, Bezos suggested that the Saudi government had played a role in leaking his text messages to the tabloid, and he had retained a security expert to investigate. This week, the forensic report was made public, and Saudi prince Mohammed bin Salman was implicated. The suggestion seems to be that MBS sent Bezos an infected video file over WhatsApp, which compromised the phone. But many observers are unsatisfied with the report and skeptical of its findings.

Regardless of whether the WhatsApp messages are to blame, “the biggest takeaway from this,” writes Sheera Frenkel of the New York Times, “is that anyone, anywhere, can be hacked if the person carrying out the attack has enough time, money and patience.”

From the Ohio Web Library:
