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OPLIN 4Cast #690: As more people telecommute, more challenges arise

Posted in 4cast, and telework

I’ve been almost strictly teleworking for over a dozen years; I was likely one of the very first state employees to do so regularly here in Ohio. I’m used to being physically isolated and communicating synchronously solely via phone or Slack. But, with the advent of COVID-19 and the need for social distancing and self-isolation, many people are just now becoming acquainted with working from home. As expected, some aspects can be more challenging than others.

  • Suddenly working at home? We’ve done it for 22 years—and have advice [Ars Technica] “Ars Technica has operated as a remote workforce since it was founded in 1998, decentralized and connected entirely by Internet-fueled collaboration.”
  • High-Stakes Security Setups Are Making Remote Work Impossible [Wired] ” But cybersecurity consultants who actually work with those high-stakes clients—including electric utilities, oil and gas firms, and manufacturing companies—say that it’s not always so simple. For many of their most critical customers, and even more so for intelligence agencies, remote work and security don’t mix. “
  • Don’t Use Tor Right Now If You’re Working From Home [Lifehacker] “Disabling and blocking Javascript is one of Tor’s key features, but the malfunction undermines its safety and makes the browser potentially dangerous for users who rely on its anonymity since companies, government entities, and even hackers can use Javascript to find IP addresses. “
  • Teleconference apps and new tech surge in demand amid coronavirus outbreak [Reuters] ”  Global downloads of business apps including Tencent Conference, WeChat Work, Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Slack have risen nearly five fold since the start of the year, data showed, as the coronavirus outbreak changes how corporations work. “

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