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Month: March 2020

OPLIN 4Cast #690: As more people telecommute, more challenges arise

Posted in 4cast, and telework

But, with the advent of COVID-19 and the need for social distancing and self-isolation, many people are just now becoming acquainted with working from home. As expected, some aspects can be more challenging than others.


OPLIN 4Cast #689: Google’s “mobile first” strategy isn’t new, but now it’s final

Posted in 4cast, and Google

Now, in 2020, not having a mobile-friendly website is practically unthinkable, especially since more than half of site visitors are looking at the web via their cell phones. But Google is taking things to their inevitably conclusion: its webcrawlers are now indexing by mobile-first.


OPLIN 4Cast #688: Is coronavirus a technology story?

Posted in 4cast

The 4Cast should be about trends and currents in technology that are relevant to public library services. COVID-19, the current coronavirus strain dominating the headlines and our social media feeds, is not a technology story, but it’s practically all the tech journalists are talking about.
