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OPLIN 4Cast #731: In a terrible year, was 2020 tech so terrible?

Posted in 4cast

As we approach the end of what arguably has been a terrible year, it’s important to look back and see if absolutely everything was awful, or if any progress was made despite the events that have made 2020 a difficult year. Without question, In the world of technology, events influenced their evolution and adoption.

  • From Zoom to Quibi, the tech winners and losers of 2020 [ABC News] “All video conferencing software from Microsoft Teams to WebEx thrived during the abrupt shift of tens of millions of people to remote working and schooling during pandemic. But only one became a verb.”
  • High Tech Police Surveillance of Protests and Activism: Year in Review 2020 [Electronic Frontier Foundation] ” Because San Francisco has an ordinance prohibiting the police from gaining access to any new surveillance equipment without approval from the Board of Supervisors, EFF is now representing activists in a lawsuit against the city for violating this law. This may be the nation’s first test case to enforce a municipal CCOPS (community control of police surveillance) ordinance. “
  • 2020 was the year of the casual gamer [Engadget] “With live sports and movie theaters shut down, lots of people who normally wouldn’t consider themselves ‘gamers’ turned to the medium for entertainment and solace. And the games they played weren’t always the big action-packed AAA titles.”
  • 2020 in Review: The Gov Tech World Turned Upside Down [Government Technology] “But as the spread of COVID-19 continued, tech experts were called upon to enable new ways of conducting court business with significant remote components. In September, characterized virtual jury trials, piloted in a few rare instances this summer, as “morphing from experiment to expectation.””

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