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OPLIN 4Cast #732: How will tech change the world in 2021?

Posted in 4cast

Last week, we looked back at the technology trends of 2020, so let’s now cast our eyes forward. What predictions are technology leaders making about the year ahead? In addition, check out : the Center for the Future of Libraries, an excellent collection of reports to help librarians understand how trends are developing and why they matter.

  • Here are the top tech trends of 2021, according to 30+ experts [Fast Company] “The patchwork quilt of video conferencing services and web-based team tools that we have all been using intensely for months will rapidly evolve into more sophisticated and powerful interfaces and networks that will allow us to collaborate and deliver services at high speed, at much less cost, and with wider scale.”
  • Top Business and Technology Trends in 2021: 10 fields that will see significant innovation in the new year [Inc.] “AR avatars, AR indoor navigation, remote assistance, integration of A.I. with AR and VR, mobility AR, AR cloud, virtual sports events, eye tracking, and facial expression recognition will see major traction in 2021. Adoption of AR and VR will accelerate with the growth of the 5G network and expanding internet bandwidth.”
  • 2021 Predictions: Why these tech, science and startup leaders are upbeat about the year ahead [GeekWire] “Artificial intelligence, and specifically natural language processing, won multiple nods as the hottest technology of the upcoming year.But virtual health, mRNA, gene editing, and video conferencing also received mentions.”
  • Tech predictions for 2021 [New York Times] “You may have to download an app to attend a game. The pandemic will most likely encourage more sporting venues to require fans to ditch paper tickets and money and instead download an app from the team, the stadium or Ticketmaster.”

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