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OPLIN 4Cast #766: Is online privacy even achievable any more?

Posted in 4cast, and privacy

It can be very difficult to believe in privacy these days. At every turn, we’re asked to give up personal information to register for nearly everything online. We’re seemingly tracked down every digital path we travel. Add to that the practically daily data breaches that hit the news, and online privacy may appear to be merely a pipe dream. Despite the fact that the first internet browser was introduced 30 years ago, we still don’t have answers and privacy controversies rage on.

  • Apple Just Traded Your Privacy for $15 Billion [Inc.] “You see, in addition to making ridiculous amounts of money building products like the iPhone, the Mac, and AirPods; distributing apps in the App Store; and selling subscription services, Tim Cook’s Apple has repeatedly preached its undying commitment to user privacy. The fact that Apple is profiting off of Google search ads seems to be in direct contradiction with that commitment. “
  • U.S. Data Privacy Laws Protect Profit But Prevent Sharing Data For The Public Good [Texas A&M Today] “U.S. data protection laws often widely permit using data for profit but are more restrictive of socially beneficial uses. We wanted to ask a simple question: Do U.S. privacy laws actually protect data in the ways that Americans want? Using a national survey, we found that the public’s preferences are inconsistent with the restrictions imposed by U.S. privacy laws.”
  • Ohio Introduces CCPA-like Consumer Privacy Bill [National Law Review] “Consumer privacy issues are as a hot as ever, and on the radar of the state and federal legislature alike.  Following in the footsteps of California, and most recently Virginia and Colorado, Ohio  introduced a comprehensive consumer privacy bill, the Ohio Personal Privacy Act (the “Act”). By introducing the Act, Ohio follows the growing nation-wide trend towards stronger state privacy laws related to consumer rights.”
  • A Thumbs Down for Streaming Privacy [NY Times] “Common Sense Media, a nonprofit advocacy group for children and families, published a report this week that found that most of America’s popular streaming services and TV streaming gadgets such as Netflix, Roku and Disney+ failed to meet the group’s minimum requirements for privacy and security practices. The lone exception was Apple.”

From the Ohio Web Library:
