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OPLIN 4Cast #804: Four years in, is the GDPR working?

Posted in privacy

Last updated on May 23, 2022

Today marks the fourth anniversary of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). While it does not directly apply to citizens of the United States, it most definitely affects every single U.S. company that does business with the European Union. Perhaps you’re like me: still annoyed by the constant requests to approve or decline cookies, but glad that at least someone is forcing businesses to to take data privacy seriously.

While the GDPR is widely viewed as the most restrictive privacy legislation in the world, there are still many questions about how effective it really is and if it will improve with time.

  • How GDPR Is Failing [Wired] “While GDPR has immeasurably improved the privacy rights of millions inside and outside of Europe, it hasn’t stamped out the worst problems: Data brokers are still stockpiling your information and selling it, and the online advertising industry remains littered with potential abuses.”
  • 95% of American companies not GDPR compliant [TechHQ] “According to Vijay Basani, founder and CEO of CYTRIO, the research confirms that first-generation privacy rights management solutions have not gained wide adoption due to cost and deployment complexity, resulting in a high percentage of CCPA non-compliance.”
  • Europe’s GDPR coincides with dramatic drop in Android apps [The Register] “The paper, distributed via the US-based National Bureau of Economic Research, finds, ‘Whatever the benefits of GDPR’s privacy protection, it appears to have been accompanied by substantial costs to consumers, from a diminished choice set, and to producers from depressed revenue and increased costs.'”
  • Europe’s top court unblocks more GDPR litigation against Big Tech [TechCrunch] “This embarrassing GDPR enforcement bottleneck continues to take the shine off the EU’s flagship data protection regulation — making it extremely hard for individuals to exercise their rights against the most powerful tech platforms.”

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