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OPLIN 4cast #67

Posted in Boxee, Cinematic Internet, filtering, Internet, iPhones, privacy, social network websites, and TwitterThoughts

This week’s 4cast:

1. Don’t Be Afraid of the Internet…

A new report from the National School Board Association finds that in spite of widespread fears about predators, porn, and potty language, social networking websites are actually pretty safe for children. Furthermore, teachers should be creating more educational opportunities for students to use them.

2. … Unless You’re Running for Office

A U.S. Senate Committee recently approved the Child Safe Viewing Act of 2007, which would require the development of V-chip-like filtering technology for the Internet, cell phones, and just about any device that displays or relays electronic content.

3. Anything You Can Do, I Can Do More Privately

All of the major search engines are aggressively engaged in a so-called “privacy war” as they try to win over customers. According to a report by the Center for Democracy and Technology (PDF), each one has made recent, significant policy changes that allow users to search the ‘Net more anonymously.

4. Woe is Broadband?

In recent months, observers have begun to realize that when compared to much of the industrialized world, broadband Internet access in the United States is expensive, slow, and still unavailable to far too many people.
