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Author: Don Yarman

OPLIN 4Cast #768: When it comes to smart glasses, can Facebook make it where Google failed?

Posted in 4cast, and Facebook

The Google Glass project ultimately fizzled—buggy performance, few practical applications available, the surveillance aspect creeped people out, and the glasses themselves were just ugly—but development on the smartglasses idea continues to bubble along. Last week, Facebook announced Ray-Ban Stories, which might start propelling these into the mainstream.


OPLIN 4Cast #760: Pegasus spyware was made to fight terrorists, but can (allegedly) pwn everyone

Posted in 4cast, and Security

“Pegasus” is a spyware system developed to investigate and prevent terrorism and serious crime. Made by Israeli cybersecurity company NSO Group, it is sold only…


OPLIN 4Cast #744: Patch those servers immediately, but brace for more attacks

Posted in 4cast, Microsoft, and Security

In early March, Microsoft detected multiple 0-day exploits against Exchange Servers, urging customers to update their on-premises systems immediately. They developed a one-click mitigation tool to…
