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Patron Code of Conduct

Patron Code of Conduct

The Portage County District Library’s public behavior rules are intended to (1) protect the rights and safety of library users, (2) protect the rights and safety of staff members, and (3) preserve and protect library resources, facilities and property. The Board of Trustees, by adopting the Patron Code of Conduct, seeks to insure that the Library provides an atmosphere conducive to appropriate use of its services and facilities for patrons of all ages. The Library has established standards of acceptable behavior to best serve all Library users. Behavior becomes unacceptable when it impinges on the rights of others, when it could result in injury to oneself or others, or when it could result in damage to Library resources or facilities.

The Library reserves the right to require anyone engaging in disruptive behavior to leave the premises, the right to restrict privileges for determinate or indeterminate periods of time, and the right to ban the individual from the Library for a determinate or indeterminate period. Serious or repeated misconduct may lead to legal action or criminal prosecution. Failure to leave the property when asked will be considered trespassing and law enforcement will be called.

We expect Library users to:
1.    Adhere to the guidelines in the Portage County District Library’s Child Safety Policy. Children under the age of seven must be under the direct supervision of a parent or caregiver at all times.
2.    Use Library furniture, resources, equipment, and facilities properly and for their intended purposes.
3.    Use Library parking areas, sidewalks, and lawns properly and safely.
4.    Stay out of non-public areas unless authorized by staff to enter.
5.    Respect the rights of others by using quiet voices when talking to others, using cell phones in lobby areas or outside, using headphones with radios, CD players, computers, etc. so they are inaudible to others.
6.    Respect time limits when others are waiting to use computers and abide by the Internet Acceptable Use Policy.
7.    Attend to personal belongings. The Library is not responsible for personal belongings left in or on Library property.
8.    Wear appropriate clothing. Shoes and shirts must be worn.
9.    Leave pets and other animals outside, with the exception of service dogs.
10.    Make transportation arrangements prior to closing. Complete all computer work and printing fifteen minutes before closing. Exit the building at closing time.
Examples of appropriate Library activities include:
•    researching, doing homework, writing reports
•    browsing for materials, reading
•    quiet use of computers
•    small group study that does not disrupt others

Any behavior that disrupts the orderly use of the Library is prohibited. This includes, without limitation, behavior that constitutes a nuisance, presents a safety and/or security hazard, or affects the ability of the Library staff to provide service to its patrons.

Examples of inappropriate activities include, but are not limited to:
•    boisterous behavior including running, roaming, loud or abusive talking/language, shoving, fighting
•    physical threats or abuse
•    any action, language, or gesture meant to demean, diminish, or intimidate a person or a group of people
•    abuse or misuse of library furnishings, resources, equipment, or facilities
•    sleeping or loitering
•    proselytizing, soliciting, selling, distributing leaflets
•    disruptive behavior that disturbs others
•    congregating in or around entrances
•    distributing or posting printed materials not in accordance with library regulations
•    viewing materials deemed to be obscene, child pornography, or harmful to minors as defined in the Children’s Internet Protection Act
•    any illegal activities


Approved July 15, 2021

Supercedes 6-5, 6-39 July 15, 1992; December 13, 2007