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Children’s Multimedia Kits

When one book on a particular subject is not enough, look to our children's multimedia kits for the answer.  Each kit contains an assortment of books videos, toys, music and/or CD-ROMs with themes ranging from Alligators & Crocodiles to Music to Zoos.
We also have a variety of math and science kits covering topics ranging from Fossils to Fractions. The latest additions to our kit collection are the Cultural Kits. These can be a wonderful aid for school reports and include the countries/regions of China, North Africa and Central America
To borrow the kits please keep the following in mind:

  • Kits must be checked out on an adult or teacher library card.
  • Kits are checked out for a two-week period. If there are no holds, kits may be renewed up to two times. Kits may not be renewed online. To renew, call or visit your local branch library.
  • Kits can be requested from other branches on a first come, first served basis. Call or visit your local branch to reserve a kit.
  • Kits range in age appropriateness from preschool to upper elementary.


Searching for available KIT themes in the catalog:

To find a kit on the online catalog, do a title search and type in the title, i.e. TRAINS, FRACTIONS, etc..

Media type search for kits:

To find a kit in the media type search function, select the "Kit" link.