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Category: cryptocurrency

OPLIN 4Cast #794: Is the U.S. about to get its own digital dollar?

Posted in cryptocurrency

We’ve certainly covered cryptocurrency here before, and even discussed how my husband is mining it and simultaneously heating his office. But, in every prior case, the crypto under discussion was backed by a third party. What if the United States had its own? The rumors are not just flying…the U.S. is actively investigating what it might take for it to have its own digital currency.


OPLIN 4Cast #785: Cryptocurrency is going mainstream and it’s heating my husband’s office

Posted in 4cast, and cryptocurrency

My husband’s basement office is always warm. It has nothing to do with any HVAC or space heaters. Rather, the temperature can be attributed to…


OPLIN 4Cast #571: Bitcoin levels up…but will it make my son rich? (Probably not.)

Posted in 4cast, and cryptocurrency

This past week, my 13-year-old son came home and asked me a question. “Mom, what’s a BitCoin?” I immediately became “Sherlock Holmes Mom.” “Where did…
