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SearchOhio & OhioLINK




What is SearchOhio and OhioLINK?
If you have searched our library catalog but can't find what you need, you now have access to the SearchOhio and OhioLINK catalogs. SearchOhio is a consortium of public libraries. OhioLINK is a consortium of Ohio's college and university libraries and the State Library of Ohio. The OhioLINK catalog has an academic focus. Thanks to our partnership, you can now borrow material from the collections of over 140 libraries statewide.

What types of items can be requested?
Request books, audiobooks, CDs, and DVDs.

How long can I keep the items?
Generally, SearchOhio and OhioLINK print items, audiobooks, and music are checked out for 21 days and DVDs are checked out for 7 days.The loan period for other items is determined by the owning libraries.  All items are renewable if no one else is waiting for the same title.

SearchOhio items can be renewed up to 3 times if no one is waiting for them. OhioLINK print items can be renewed up to 6 times if no one is waiting for them. OhioLINK media can be renewed up to 3 times if no one is waiting for them.

Do I have to pay to borrow items?
This is a free service brought to Portage County residents by the Portage Library Consortium. Overdue fines are 50¢ per day, per item. A non-negotiable replacement fee (determined by the owning library) will be billed for any SearchOhio and/or OhioLINK item that isn't returned within 30 days of the due date. Fines and charges cannot be negotiated and there are no exemptions. To avoid charges, renew and return materials on time.

How long does it take to receive my requests?
Available items generally take about 3-5 business days. Items requested on weekends will generally take 5-7 business days. You will be notified that the item is ready for pickup in the same way you are currently notified, via email or phone. Your items will remain on hold for five days.

What prevents a SearchOhio or OhioLINK request from going through?

  • Fines and fees on your library card must be under $10.00.
  • Your library card has expired.
  • The title you are searching for is currently available at one of our branch locations.
  • The system will only accept holds on items that are currently available to be checked out.

How do I get to the SearchOhio and OhioLINK catalogs?
Begin by searching the Portage Library Consortium's online catalog. If you see the message "Your entry #### would be here" the Portage County libraries do not own a copy. Click the SearchOhio or OhioLINK button at the top or bottom of that page. The catalogs of all the partner libraries will be searched. You will see a record for the item you searched or a list of similar titles. Click on the title of the item you wish to request.

If you start by logging into your record first, you will still see the SearchOhio and OhioLINK button when you search our catalog.

You have the record for the item you wish to request. Now what?
Locate two links on the record: "# libraries have this item" and "Request Item." To see the libraries that own the item, click the first link. To request the item, click the second link.

You've clicked "Request Item"...
If you click "Request Item" and there are no available copies for checkout, you will receive the message "Sorry, no copies available for requests." First, check to make sure all the copies are not listed as non-requestable. If there are requestable copies, but they are all checked out you should try to request the item at another time.

If one or more libraries will lend the item, you will be asked to select your library from the drop-down list. Choose "Portage Library Consortium" and click the submit button. After choosing the Portage Library Consortium (PLC), you will need to enter a few more pieces of information to authenticate and finalize your request. First, enter your name in the first box. Next, type your library card number in the second box. Then, select your pickup location from the drop-down list. Finally, click the submit button. You should receive a message letting you know that your request was successful.

How do I renew items?

You MUST either call a Portage County library to renew your items or renew them in-person during a visit to a library.

How do I return my items?
Return your items at any Portage County library, The Library Box, or Library Express book return. The library will send them back to the owning library system. Do not remove stickers on the items borrowed from SearchOhio or OhioLINK as these labels help us return the items to the owning library.

What if I have questions or experience any problems? Please contact staff with any questions or problems that you may have with your SearchOhio and/or OhioLINK request.