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The OPLIN 4cast Posts

OPLIN 4Cast #786: The NFT backlash is now in full swing

Posted in 4cast, and Trends

Last week a friend got a free NFT for seeing a movie, but found that creating an account just to see it—a simple animation clip, like a GIF—was not worth the effort: “really dumb” was his assessment. While many sectors are treating the advent of NFT like a gold rush, a backlash seems to be growing, with a lot resistance originating in the gamer community.


OPLIN 4Cast #785: Cryptocurrency is going mainstream and it’s heating my husband’s office

Posted in 4cast, and cryptocurrency

My husband’s basement office is always warm. It has nothing to do with any HVAC or space heaters. Rather, the temperature can be attributed to…


OPLIN 4Cast #784: CES might be partially digital, but exciting things still coming

Posted in 4cast

Each January in Las Vegas, the Consumer Technology Association holds the Consumer Electronic Show (CES), where many world-changing gadgets and innovations have debuted: VCRs, satellite…


OPLIN 4Cast #783: One of Elon Musk’s companies is working on a more comprehensive metaverse

Posted in Brain-computer interfaces

There’s no doubt that Elon Musk is a controversial figure, but his name is associated with much of today’s bleeding-edge technology. One of his companies, Neuralink, hasn’t gotten as much press as, say, Tesla or SpaceX but, with the advent of Mark Zuckerburg’s metaverse, renewed attention has increased the spotlight on this company that aims to put implants in human brains as computer interfaces.


OPLIN 4Cast #780: Wired earbuds are inherently more secure

Posted in Bluetooth

A puff piece in Politico this week poked fun at Vice President Kamala Harris’s use of wired earbuds and her preference for texting over e-mail, calling her “Bluetooth-phobic” and paranoid. “Should someone who travels with the nuclear football be spending time untangling her headphone wires?,” they ask. Given that there are 495 publicly disclosed vulnerabilities in Bluetooth, I’d say it’s not paranoia if someone is really spying on you.
