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18 search results for "facial recognition"

OPLIN 4Cast #793: Facial recognition might be more well-known, but the problems only increase

Posted in facial recognition

“This is one of many important wins to come, and I think everyone really has to ask, ‘What kind of society do we want to live in? Do we want the face to be the final frontier of privacy?'”–Joy Buolamwini, founder and executive director of Algorithmic Justice League


OPLIN 4Cast #703: Big tech denies facial recognition to police, but is that enough?

Posted in 4cast, and facial recognition

Last week, IBM sent shockwaves through the tech world when it announced that it was leaving the facial recognition market entirely. The reasons cited centered…


OPLIN 4Cast #677: Is emotion recognition technology a good idea?

Posted in 4cast, and facial recognition

We’ve certainly covered facial recognition in the 4Cast before, but a newer subset of that tech is causing some major waves. Now, technology can not only match a name and a face, but it can also (in theory) determine how the person with that face is feeling. Called “affect recognition,” but more commonly referred to as “emotion recognition,” it may be even more controversial than it’s broader cousin, facial recognition.


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