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Planning on Getting Your Driver's License Soon?

With your Portage County District Library card, enjoy free access to, a driver education platform that empowers people to increase their knowledge of how to be safe behind the wheel. Since 2010, this platform has helped over 46 million aspiring drivers pass their knowledge test. It's partnered with over 2,000 libraries and organizations like NOYS, National Safety Council, Roadway Safety Foundation and Motorcycle Safety Foundation helping make our roads safer for all. Specific to the state of Ohio, these practice tests are just like the real thing- increase your chance of passing your real driving test by 73%!

Things to remember...
1. GET PLENTY OF PRACTICE. Like anything else, learning how to be a good driver takes lots of time behind the wheel practicing. There are things you'll learn while driving that you just can't get from reading, so it's important to log plenty of time at the wheel.

2. KNOW YOUR CAR. The car you're using for your test should be familiar to you, and not one that you're sitting in for the first time. You'll want to know where the controls are for everything from the lights to the windshield wipers, so you aren't frantically searching if it starts raining. The way each car's brake and gas pedals react can be different, so knowing how sensitive these are can help you avoid braking or accelerating too aggressively or too slowly.

3. PREPARE AND ADAPT TO ANYTHING. Whether it's weather conditions, an ambulance coming down the road or any other situation that could happen, you should be mentally prepared to adapt and adjust accordingly. The only true way to do this is get in those hours of practice driving, and trying to do so in a variety of weather conditions. Only getting out to drive on beautiful, sunny days will only work against you if your test lands on a rainy, overcast day.

4. PAY ATTENTION TO DRIVING. It sounds obvious enough, but it's easy to get distracted by what the evaluator is doing. Trying to sneak a peek at what they're writing down or their facial expressions is not a good idea, if you're hoping to walk out of there a licensed driver. Paying attention to the road, and what's happening around you is the best way to ensure that whatever the examiner is writing down is positive – and you can read all of that once your test is over anyway. Leave everything else at the door, and give your full attention to the task at hand. Whether it's schoolwork or other things happening in your life, it needs to be temporarily put to the back of your mind.

- Drive the speed limit and maintain a constant speed.
- Obey all road signs that you see.
- Steer smoothly. Hold onto the steering wheel with both hands at all times.
- Follow at a safe distance - use the 3 second rule.
- Don’t stop too closely to the vehicle in front of you when you need to come to a stop. As a general rule, you should be able to see the tires of the car in front of you.
- Do not cross solid lines as this will result in an instant and automatic fail.
- Always look over your shoulder before changing lanes and be sure to use your blinker.
- Only change lanes when you are absolutely certain that it is safe. If your test administrator asks you to change lanes, make sure that it is safe first.
- Watch for school busses. If the bus is pulled over to the side of the road and their lights are flashing, do not pass.
- Use your turn signals. It helps let other drivers know what you are planning on doing. Make sure that you turn your turn signal on plenty of time before you are actually going to turn.


SOURCE: a resource website that provides practice tests for the field of driver's education. Founded in 2008, the site provides United States specific online testing for all 50 states and has also been used to develop additional websites for testing in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.