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PCDL Fine Free!

Portage County District Library (PCDL) is pleased to announce that its fine amnesty will remain in effect. PCDL is now fine free. Therefore, no fines will be charged on overdue materials- even if the items are long overdue. This pertains to overdue fines only and not to lost or damaged materials. Also, it does not apply to SearchOhio and OhioLINK materials as well as the mobile hotspots.

All PCDL materials are checked out for a two-week loan period and due dates still apply. Library cards will still be blocked when materials are a month overdue. The costs for lost or damaged items will still be applied. When charges on a borrower’s card total $50 or more, the account is assessed a $10 fee and sent to a collection agency. Anyone who returns long overdue items can have the fines waived, but will still owe the $10 collection agency fee.