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Category: privacy


OPLIN 4Cast #662: Privacy, Pelotons, and paranoia

Posted in 4cast, and privacy

A few weeks ago, I wondered if there was an introductory exercise regimen to ease a neophyte into cycling, like the way Couch-to-5K gets me out jogging. I did some searches, read a couple articles, and the next day every single ad on Facebook was given over to high-end exercise bikes.


OPLIN 4Cast #627: Think you’re being stalked? You’re not wrong

Posted in 4cast, and privacy

For a long time, I’ve resisted purchasing a voice assistant for my home. The idea of having something “always listening” seems too intrusive to me (and, yes, I know my phone is already doing that, but I’m good with the cognitive dissonance). However, the latest news from the advertising realm has me realizing that Alexa and her ilk might actually be the least of my worries.


OPLIN 4Cast #108: YouTube Screening Room, Medical Records Online, Google Map Maker, Tag Clouds

Posted in 4cast, Flickr, Google Apps, Google Maps, Kido'z, KidZui, Library of Congress, Panda Cloud Antivirus, privacy, tagging, YouTube, and ZuiTube

1. YouTube is going semi-pro. There is a spot on their site called the Screening Room. The videos are now longer, better quality and available…
