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The OPLIN 4cast Posts

OPLIN 4Cast #767: The next big social network probably won’t be big at all

Posted in 4cast, and Social Networks

While TikTok has (perhaps unexpectedly) become a dominant force in the social media sphere, that sphere continues to fragment into more niche services. New platforms continue to pop up, geared towards specific demographics and populations.


OPLIN 4Cast #764: More tech, fewer pencils: how technology is changing education

Posted in 4cast, and education

What perhaps differentiates this year, from so many others, is the even bigger emphasis on technology–accelerated by the pandemic, no doubt. But it’s the first school year where the only school supplies I’ll be buying will be a notebook and maybe a couple of pens…just in case.


OPLIN 4Cast #760: Pegasus spyware was made to fight terrorists, but can (allegedly) pwn everyone

Posted in 4cast, and Security

“Pegasus” is a spyware system developed to investigate and prevent terrorism and serious crime. Made by Israeli cybersecurity company NSO Group, it is sold only…
